Family Injustice: No Wife is Safe

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Houston billionaire Ed Bosarge is accused of trying to hide up to $2.3 billion from his wife of 30 years…

Her lawyer says if he gets away with it, no wife is safe.

“He has 20 attorneys and I have one and I’m basically broke. I can’t pay for my attorneys,” said Marie Bosarge after a court hearing on February 14, 2020.

Marie Bosarge just wants her day in court in front of a jury, but when you’re battling a billionaire in court it’s a lot worse than fighting city hall.

When Marie and Ed Bosarge got married thirty years ago they were broke, their house in foreclosure. Now the 81-year-old mathematician is uber rich.

He owns mansion, yachts, even an island in the Bahamas called Over Yonder Cay.

Court documents claim Bosarge now has a young Russian girlfriend and schemed to hide community property. Are you ready? Worth up to $2.3 billion.

Marie’s lawyer says if billionaire Bosarge pulls this off no wife would be safe.

“He’s cut me off from my credit cards. He’s cut me off my bank, our bank accounts,” Marie Bosarge said.

Marie claims Ed Bosarge set up secretive South Dakota trusts to move everything out of her reach. Even a 43-carot yellow diamond necklace.

“It was a gift my husband gave me for Christmas and we had started making money and it was, I love yellow diamonds,” Marie Bosarge said.

Lawyers for Ed Bosarge say Marie has no evidence to prove this was a scheme. But it’s clear the judge is suspicious.

“Scheme may be the key word,” Judge Wells lectured from the bench. “I don’t think the laws of South Dakota free him of an obligation when he got married. Play this game. Fraud on the community estate. I promise you it’s not going to go well. I don’t have to tolerate your disrespect.”

If the judge lets the case go forward to a jury, expect this guy to testify. He’s Bruce Eames, the former co-founder of the powerful trading firm Quantlab. He’s locked in his own Houston legal battle with Bosarge.

“Do you believe that a lot of money was hidden from Ms. Bosarge?” said Wayne Dolcefino, President of Dolcefino Consulting.

“Let’s just put it this way. Any marriage that gets to this point is a very unfortunate situation. That’s all I should really say right now,” said Bruce Eames.

“It’s sad right?” Dolcefino said.

“Yeah,” Eames said.

“No doubt in your mind that he’s hiding all his money and wealth from you?” Dolcefino said. “Yes sir. He, I believe so,” said Marie Bosarge.

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