Statement In Response To Methodist’s Repeated False Attacks

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Dr. Boom should get back to work producing the actual hospital data on COVID that Houstonians deserve to see.

What is Methodist’s recommendation for early treatment of COVID?

When the FDA hasn’t approved an effective treatment for COVID, why shouldn’t patients have the right to try experimental treatments that include Ivermectin—especially when top experts, such as Yale’s Dr. Harvey Risch, believe it is effective?

How many people have requested early treatments for COVID and been refused?

How many vaccinated patients have been hospitalized with COVID?

How many vaccinated patients have complained to Methodist doctors about side effects from the vaccine? What are those side effects?

Have any of those patients been hospitalized for treatment?

Today was a classic example of this political campaign by Methodist, which is now exposed for all Houstonians to see.

Dr. Bowden firmly believes that through words and actions, Methodist hospital has sent the message to unvaccinated Houstonians they are not welcome at Methodist hospital. They fired their own staff who believed they didn’t need a vaccine, regardless of whether they had developed natural antibodies already. Why wouldn’t an unvaccinated Houstonian be concerned about their hypocrisy? 

Methodist attacks anyone who believes Texans have a fundamental right to decide what we put in our own bodies. Methodist tries to destroy any doctor who believes we should consider different alternatives for different patients.

Dr. Boom’s desperate statement today exposes him as the five-year-old child who keeps crying wolf with false allegations against a good Houston doctor who works seven days a week to care for her patients, regardless of their vaccine status.

Now the Methodist CEO thinks he has a right to dictate a doctor’s freedom of speech or her advice to patients. To dictate to patients what medicine they must put in their bodies. Now he believes he is the language police as well. This is exactly why Dr. Bowden has lost respect for Methodist and has resigned any privileges at the hospital.

Every doctor at Methodist must be frightened to speak their minds or have independent thoughts about this virus.

Dr. Bowden is a respected medical doctor who has treated 2,000 patients for COVID and doesn’t believe people should be fired for refusing a vaccine. She believes, like a lot of doctors do, that there are alternative choices for early treatments. She opposes government mandates on COVID health care.

Methodist’s Board of Directors must order Dr. Boom to cease these false attacks immediately or face the consequences.

What is Dr. Boom afraid of? Don’t the patients of Methodist deserve the whole truth? Transparency, Dr. Boom, where is it?

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