More Bad News for Ken Paxton

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A big victory for Dolcefino Consulting comes this week in the two-and-a-half-year-old fight with Texas Tech University to expose records detailing the firing of former football coach Mike Leach.

Austin Judge Paul Davis has ruled we have the right to sue Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. Judge Davis denied attempts by Paxton’s office to dismiss him from the lawsuit.

It is more bad news in a week of even worse news for the state’s top lawyer. Paxton has been under fire in recent days after he was accused of bribery and abuse of office by some of his top aides. Paxton is already under indictment on a separate case on charges of felony securities fraud.

In the Texas Tech case, Paxton is charged with enforcing the right of Texans to see public records, but his office is also supposed to represent state universities at the same time. The conflict of interest in this case has become clear. While Judge Davis refused to disqualify the Attorney General from representing Texas Tech, he did clear the way to sue the Attorney General.

“Texas Tech has destroyed records, lied about the existence of public records, overcharged us for records, and the Attorney General has colluded with the school to help them get away with it,” said Wayne Dolcefino, President of Houston-based investigative media company Dolcefino Consulting. “We look forward to getting Mr. Paxton under oath soon to expose the farce the Texas Public Information Act has become. We believe the law is unconstitutional.”

Next month we will finally get the first sworn testimony from an official at Texas Tech University System attorney Ronny Wall. The University has delayed the sworn testimony for ten months. The deposition is scheduled for November 13, 2020.

Documents accidentally released in the litigation prove that the school lied to fans and donors about Coach Leach. They also prove that Texas Tech hid public records.

“We look forward to a jury ruling on this egregious conduct,” Dolcefino said. “The Attorney General has decided he will pick the side of a lying government agency over the public right to know. Dolcefino Consulting has already spent more than a quarter of a million dollars trying to unearth the conspiracy to cheat Coach Leach out of $2.5 million the university owes him and we look forward to our day in court.”

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