Peddling Fake Racism

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Even if you don’t live in Fort Bend County you should get a good look at this politician! He should do the world a big favor and end his political campaign for good.

There’s probably nothing lower in the political world than peddling fake hate to get votes, but that’s exactly what Taral Patel has been caught doing.

“What’s wrong with you, dude? Why would you do that? Why would you peddle fake hate? Come on, are you too chicken to roll down your window?

I raised my kids in Fort Bend County. I had to come there this morning to tell you how personally offensive it is to me.

You know me. I’ve never been afraid to speak my piece. And that’s exactly what I was doing in Richmond at a meeting of the Fort Bend County commissioners court.

“It’s probably one of the most horrible things that someone can do in a diverse community and that is to peddle fake racism.”

The day before… we were watching the guy at the heart of this widening scandal.

But it was hard to recognize him. His appearance had totally changed in recent days.

For years Taral Patel sported a beard, as you can see in his recent mug shot, but here he was suddenly clean shaven.

Maybe it’s a makeover for his democratic run for County Commissioner Precinct Three, where I used to live.

Or maybe Patel had changed his appearance in hopes of hiding from guys like me.

“I call you the peddler of fake hate. How many people are you impersonating? What do you say to the voters?”

Patel had nothing to say. But we did.

“What’s wrong with you dude? Why would you do that? Why would you peddle fake hate?”

This politician is accused of a four-year long crime spree. Who knows how many people fell victim to his deceit?

A realtor in Jamison, Pennsylvania sure did. His name is Gregg White.

And his picture was stolen and put on a Facebook account called Jane Donnie, set up, investigators say, by Taral Patel.

Investigators subpoenaed records from Facebook to prove it.

It’s been deleted now, but look at the nasty things Jane Donnie, I mean Taral Patel, said.

“We don’t need more sand negroid subhumans who smell like curry and filth in our country. Go back to Bombay. You are not and will never be a true American.”

The message was posted on Taral Patel’s Facebook. He claimed it as an example of the hate being directed at him just for running for public office.

Sure, we’ve all seen it. Real life ignorant racists online in the big social media world. But that post was a total fake, clearly designed to rile up Fort Bend’s huge South Asian community.

To get votes of sympathy, to turn the Indian community against Republicans, help Democrats win.

Last September, Patel even went on the Isiah Factor Uncensored on Fox 26 to talk about the hate being directed his way.

“It’s from a deeply misguided place of fear that immigrants are coming to take people’s jobs and things of that nature.”

“Isiah, I’ll tell you since we exposed it those hateful attacks have only increased in the last 48 hours.”

Patel said he was all about preaching love and kindness.

All while he apparently was spewing fake hate online against fellow south Asian Americans, all in other peoples’ names, using stolen pictures.

“He made an appearance on The Factor back in September where he claimed he was a target of hate and racism.”

Kudos to my friend Isiah for being for his exclusive report that Patel was getting busted after his viewers were scammed.

“The Texas Rangers are investigating whether those claims of hate and racism were totally made up by Patel who is still running as Democrat for the seat.”

Another of Patel’s reported aliases on Facebook, Paul Rosenstein, a Jewish guy who had worked in the engineering department in Fort Bend County.

Rosenstein also sent emails to public officials and county vendors with fake polls showing the incumbent republican commissioner Andy Meyers couldn’t win.

That was apparently part of Patel’s diabolical plot, make Fort Bend County voters think these supposed racists to the incumbent in the Precinct 3 seat, Republican Andy Meyers.

And it gets even worse. Patel is accused of impersonating Judge Surendran Pattel on Facebook.

That’s not gutter politics. That’s felony impersonation. A grand jury is expected to indict Patel.

Hopefully the final nail in the coffin of this creep who refuses to step out of the race. The silence of the Fort Bend County Democratic Party speaks volumes. The Chairman Fred Taylor ignored our phone calls.

On the surface, Taral Patel’s life story seemed fitting for Fort Bend, where the South Asian population has exploded. He’s certainly not stupid. He got a law degree and a job in the Biden White House.

But now we know what was behind the curtain as his alleged scheme is unraveled by the Fort Bend County District Attorney. A fellow Democrat is doing the right thing.

Detailed arrest and search warrants show us when it all began.

That’s when this first showed up on Facebooks in Fort Bend County. Frequent posts by someone named Antonio Scalywag.

The picture on the page, a white family, a guy who supposedly graduated from Sam Houston with a wife and two kids.

Scalywag was a vicious racist online, claiming Patel was a communist.

He called Patel a dirty Pakistani who supports terrorist and turning God’s USA into shithole. Vote Meyers, it read.

I am with Meyers all the way because he serves Jesus unlike Patel and his followers who worship monkey and elephant.

Fort Bend County Judge KP George now drives fancy Tahoe with armed security, claiming these kind of racists attacks like posts from Scalywag were made against him and his family.

When he was running against Trever Nehls for County Judge, Scalywag reported that Nehls and the MAGA crowd had been stealing George’s signs, calling the Judge a dirty Democrat who must be stopped.

George responded that supporters should help him respond to racist and xenophobic attacks on him and his family by donating money to his campaign.

Remember that photo on Antonio Scalywag’s Facebook account?

It turned out to be a guy named Patrick Ernst who lives in Needville.

Patel now accused of using that innocent Fort Bend family to help pull off his scheme that began in 2020 when Antonio Scalywag’s account first went active, when Taral Patel was chief of staff to KP George.

We are waiting on Fort Bend County to release emails between Patel and his former boss.

And that’s the real reason we first went to Commissioners Court, to ask the County Judge the what did you know and when did you know it question.

It was a chance to disavow what Patel has apparently done. It should have been a softball, but Judge George chose to strike out.

“I don’t have nothing to say. I said I have nothing to say I’m in a commissioner’s court meeting. Can you excuse me?”

“Don’t you think the public has a right to know if you knew what he was doing?”

Apparently not. And KP George should not remain in office if he can’t stand up. The DA should investigate if he was part of the plot.

Or what this guy knows. Shapnik Khan, the guy who runs Fort Bend United, which has donated $33,000 to Patel’s campaign.

“Money brings power, power brings arrogance, and arrogance brings ignorance.”

Khan has been accused of gutter politics before in Democratic primary fights. He ignored our calls, but he’s getting an earful from this guy because of his close ties to Patel.

“It’s the motherfucking Texas torch in here.”

He’s the Texas Torch, Husein Hadi. A personal injury attorney who’s launched a one-man social media campaign to expose Patel and his buddies.

He’s started a website and has used Facebook often in recent days to help expose Patel and his cronies. And Hadi raises a good question.

Fort Bend County Commissioner Dexter McCoy has called on Patel to drop out, but why haven’t other democrat officials in Fort Bend County spoken out? Like Ron Reynolds, the disbarred Texas lawyer who is a state representative in Fort Bend.

He works with Shapnik Khan at Civitas Engineering, the engineering firm benefiting from recent county contracts while KP George is County Judge.

So, I took to the podium after the County Judge blew that easy chance to do the right thing.

“The County Judge should explain what he knew and when he knew it because his chief of staff while working for the County Judge was taking the identify of other people and doing what is probably the most horrible thing anyone can do in a diverse community, and that is to peddle fake racism. It’s disgusting.”

And I ended with a message all voters should be sending, and not just to Taral Patel, who should do the world a favor and end his political career for good.

And a message to KP George, whose silence is an insult to Fort Bend County taxpayers.

“That kind of conduct should be condemned, and the fact that you won’t talk to me about it this morning, Judge, says a lot about you.”

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