Wicked In Conroe

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There’s an uproar in Conroe, Texas over the dramatic pay raises for city administrators! Now, one of the cities top officials is accusing critics of being SEXIST and RACIST. It’s getting WICKED down in Conroe…

“When I get those ruby slippers, my power will be the greatest in Oz.”
In the make believe-land of Oz an evil witch thirsted for power.
“I didn’t mean to kill her.”
Dorothy’s house fell on the Wicked Witch of the East… killed her.
But her sister… she plotted revenge.
“So just try and stay out of my way… just try I’ll get you my pretty and your little dog too.”
Monkeys only fly in movies…
But in our business… we see the wicked thirst for power playing out in real-life city halls…
And we are not afraid to call it out.
“But that’s not what’s worrying me. It’s how to do it… These things must be done delicately.”
Sorry… not the way we play.
“I appreciate you coming to Conroe you should go back to Harris County, where you belong,” said Duke Coon.
When we questioned embattled Conroe mayor Duke Coon a few months back… he told me I should take the yellow brick road on I-45 back to Houston.
That was a mistake…
Now we’re watching Coon try to preside over a special meeting of the clearly dysfunctional Conroe city council.
A planned vote to further limit what voters can talk about at these public meetings.
You only get three minutes in Conroe to complain.
But the mayor is about to get put in his place.
“If you don’t mind, I’d like to come forward and share some things right quick.”
Deputy city administrator Nancy Mikeska is about to launch into a 25-minute-long tirade on the thirty employees that have been fired in a year…
“Drinking on duty… and if anybody should get to drink, it should be me,” she affirmed.
Accusing Conroe of being riddled with 32 examples of mismanagement and outright corruption…
“So many sexual shenanigans going on in one of the trucks it became a whoppie truck, known by another name that only rhymes with trucks.”
Mikeska obviously has time on her hands because she wanted to complain about the mean things she sees people saying about her…
“People say they love Conroe, yet they post the most hateful and ugly things and go as far to make an ugly video to put down city leaders and the city they claim to love,” she continued.
Guess she’s a fan…
Sorry Nancy, but the mayor of Conroe and others on the city council are being bankrolled by private water companies in a city that’s in a water crisis.
People had a right to know…
And it was a touching conversation with mayor Coon.
“I’m calling for full transparency today. I’m not calling for it, I’m demanding it,” stated Coon at the city council.
The same guy who refused to answer our simple questions…
“I’m not giving you an interview.”
The city of Conroe is now censoring negative comments on their official Facebook page…
But it was Mikeska’s wicked attack on the people who pay her $330,000 salary that should have added her to the termination list.
We want efficient government, Nancy… but maybe someone should tell you you’re a public servant.
No one elected you.
Unless of course the mayor and city council wanted to hide behind Mikeska’s attack.
“And so I’m just going to get right on into it.”
Mikeska’s $100,000 pay raise last year created a firestorm in Conroe… the city administrator Gary Scott now makes $365,000.
And just like the Wicked Witch of the West… Mikeska is about to create a new firestorm.
First attacking the religion of taxpayers who are criticizing Conroe government.
“People really need to take a look at what they are calling themselves Christians…”
Saying folks in town who question their huge pay hikes are somehow racist and sexist.
Mikeska: “It is because a black guy and a white woman finally made their way to the top?”
Coon: “Miss Mikeska, we need to wrap this up as soon as possible.”
That speech went over like a fart in church.
Coon: “Go and finish, Miss Mikeska.”
Mikeska: “Mayor, I’ll hold until we have it quiet.”
The mayor kept telling Mikeska she had probably said enough.
“Go ahead and finish, Miss Mikeska, let’s wrap this up.”
So why did he let her keep insulting the people who pay her salary?
And talking…
“Miss Mikeska, I think the presentation is over with,” Coon added.
And talking…
Coon: “Pastor Shelton, will you offer us a word of prayer? Miss Mikeska, the presentation is over.”
Councilwoman Shana Arthur: “Is she finished?”
Coon: “Yes, she’s finished, I guess, I don’t know.”
“Well, that’s going to be difficult to follow,” stated Bob Hamilton.
“I’m insulted… I don’t know if anyone else in here is. But I’ve been accused and this group of racism, a citizen of Conroe, racism. My religion has been questioned this morning,” expressed Betty Gibson.
Maybe Nancy and her city council protectors should listen to all of their bosses instead.
Thirty city employees in Conroe have been forced out since the new administration began… the police chief the fire chief… so many more.
The mayor has claimed he didn’t know the axe was falling so often.
Eight employees were literally fired just six days before Christmas.
Among them Scott Perry… the longtime Assistant Recreation Director. A nineteen-year employee whose work with Conroe kids is legendary.
“Three minutes is not long enough to describe what the last eighteen months have been like for your employees. Under the direction of Nancy Mikeska, the belittle the lack of response and the false narrative like you’ve witnessed here today,” he asserted.
Perry was axed a year from retirement… his family stood to lose their health insurance during the holidays. Merry Christmas.
His wife Kim went on Facebook to tell the city of Conroe to find some Jesus. She was now ashamed to call Conroe home.
“The city doesn’t deserve the man that I know who has dedicated the last nineteen years of his life for the children of this community,” she declared.
“You can keep Scott Perry’s name of out of your mouth,” she added.
“We just are mean-spirited, mean-hearted, I might even be the Grinch, I don’t know,” argued Mikeska.
How about a witch?
“Going so soon? I wouldn’t hear of it…”

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