Texas Tech sued for Leach records

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WHEN: 10:00 am, January 8, 2018

WHERE: Law Office of Lynn, Pinker, Cox and Hurst
2100 Ross Avenue, Suite 2700, Dallas, Texas 75201 (MAP)

A major news conference is scheduled at the law offices of Lynn, Pinker, Cox and Hurst Monday morning to announce the filing of a lawsuit in Lubbock against Texas Tech University.

The lawsuit accuses the University of withholding public records regarding the controversial firing of Mike Leach, which includes communications of the Board of Regents and former
Chancellor Kent Hance.

The lawsuit will be filed by Wayne Dolcefino, President of Dolcefino Consulting, the Houston based investigative communications firm hired by the former Coach to uncover the truth.

Attorneys Michael K. Hurst of Lynn Pinker Cox & Hurst and Julie Pettit of The Pettit Law Firm will represent Dolcefino Consulting and detail the lawsuit at the morning news conference.

Michael K. Hurst says, “This case represents an example of abuse of power entrusted to Texas Tech as a governmental body, and about demanding accountability.”

“The public—including students, alumni, and taxpaying citizens—have a legal right to see the emails and investigative notes surrounding Coach Leach’s improper termination,” states Julie

Under Texas law, the writ of mandamus to gain access to public information is to be filed in Lubbock County, where the public records are located.

There is growing evidence Texas Tech fired Coach Mike Leach without a promised investigation, manipulated the firing, and the sworn affidavits of employees. An investigation by Dolcefino Consulting has already uncovered new questions about the preparation of sworn affidavits created after the firing to justify the action, a questionable pay day for former Chancellor Kent Hance, and documents showing Regents were kept in the dark about the depth of fan protest after the controversial firing.

“Texas Tech has chosen to spend taxpayer money to keep the Leach records secret from students, parents, alumni, donors and Texas taxpayers,” says Dolcefino.

Leach filed suit against the University after his firing, but the case was dismissed because of a 100 year-old law in Texas called sovereign immunity. Leach says he was cheated out of $2.5
million dollars.

“A law that gives a public school the right to just cheat a coach, or a company out of money they are owed is beneath Texas,” says Dolcefino. “Regardless, it is time for the secrecy in
Lubbock to end. What are they afraid the public will see?”

The University has refused to release Regent phone records, details of expenditures of the football team, and e-mails between Hance and Kelly Overly, a former Tech foundation official.


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