The Texas Tech public records fight continues

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We promised to keep you updated on Dolcefino Consulting’s public records court fight with Texas Tech.

Dolcefino filed suit in January after Texas Tech failed to produce documents related to several requests for open records, including documents never released in the Coach Mike Leach Investigation.

The winningest coach in school history was fired in December 2009, kept from leading his team in a bowl game, and the University refused to pay him $2.5 million dollars they owed.

Embedded below is an Advisory to the Court filed by the Texas Attorney General’s Office, on behalf of Texas Tech. It tries to clean up the bad court day Tech had when the Judge told them their arguments were wordsmithing and did not the pass the smell test.

If Pinocchio had continued on like this, he would have stayed a donkey, instead of becoming a real boy.


Texas Tech’s Board of Regents are meeting next Thursday and Friday, May 17th and 18th. We will release the letter we sent to the Chairman of the Board of Regents, calling on them to put the Coach Leach payment on the agenda.

Fans and alumni can raise their voice by signing the petition here.

Advisory to the Court FINAL Keep up with us on social media: