A message to Texas Tech’s Board of Regents

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The Texas Tech Board of Regents are scheduled to meet next week, and Dolcefino Consulting has requested they consider beginning negotiations to pay Mike Leach.

In a letter to Chairman L. Frederick Francis dated May 9, 2018, Wayne Dolcefino, President of Dolcefino Consulting, urged the Regents to “write the last chapter of this unfortunate football divorce.”

“We have in recent weeks, learned a lot about the failings of the process used by Texas Tech in the Coach Leach matter,” wrote Dolcefino, “Every major university in the state has made decisions, right or wrong, to change football coaches. In all, but one case, the schools have worked out a financial settlement.”

Earlier this week the Texas Attorney General’s Office filed an Advisory to the Court on behalf of Texas Tech. It tries to clean up the bad court day Tech had when the Judge told them their arguments in a public records lawsuit filed by Dolcefino Consulting, were wordsmithing and did not the pass the smell test.

“Supporters of Mike Leach talk about a curse on Texas Tech,” wrote Dolcefino, “They say the University is teaching kids a horrible lesson in the way the University has cheated Coach Leach… all that should matter, is ending this horrible chapter and the damage it has done to the legacy of the Red Raider Nation.”

Dolcefino Consulting urges Texas Tech to lift the curse of the pirate, and pay coach Leach.

Fans and alumni can raise their voice by signing the petition at paycoachleach.com.

The Texas Tech Board of Regents is scheduled to meet in Lubbock on Thursday, May 17, and Friday, May 18, 2018.


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