Exposing the Uptown Bus Boondoggle

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A growing coalition of business and property owners in Uptown detailed their opposition to a planned 300 million dollar bus project along Post Oak.

The Post Oak Property Owner and Business Owner Coalition held a news conference on May 6th to detail this shocking waste of public funds, and expose the conflicts of interests that prove this project should be delayed immediately.

Post Oak is often called the “Rodeo Drive” of Houston. The Uptown District, the Mayor’s office and Metro are all behind the plan to spend 300 million plus dollars for a dedicated bus lane down the middle of Post Oak, an attempt to salvage public and political opposition to Metro rail lines.

Public records show Metro ridership numbers simply do not support this project, and there is no need to widen Post Oak to synchronize buses going up and down the street. The coalition says neighborhoods both east and west of Uptown will face horrible congestion as traffic lights at Westheimer, San Felipe and Richmond are affected.

Who will benefit? Our investigation shows some members of the Uptown Board will make millions if the project ever happens.

This project has been planned for over two years. [READ HERE]

2. Miller has been pushing the Post Oak bus project two years. Here is a 2014 appeal to a State Official ((Millers Lobbying))

3. Has Uptown mislead the Mayor’s office on support?. See the e-mail from Uptown Executive Director John Breeding that has so many Post Oak Property Owners mad. Then see what Invesco really said. ((which is it))

4 and 5 These METRO Uptown documents reveal the battle over whether to preempt traffic lights on Uptown side streets for 14 buses a day going back and forth, maybe more ((Metro Memo AND MetroUptown Mtg))

Uptown administration salaries now exceed 1 million a year, 300,000 to rent their headquarters. This is the compensation for Exec Director ((HCID#1 Salary))

Why is so much tax money being spent in one place. The taxable value in UPTOWN has increased three billion dollars since it was created, and most of that money is bottled up on Houston’s rodeo drive ((Bottom Line))

Have we created unelected bureaucratic monsters with the power to spend hundreds of millions of our tax dollars?

The last commuter bus from Katy to Uptown was closed because of lack or riders. 224 boardings a day. Metro’s number.

Business owners rally against bus lane planned on Post Oak Boulevard

For information Contact Dolcefino Consulting:
office 713-360-6911

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