Keeping Count of Trash Cash

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Green Group is trying to put towers of smelly trash in a neighborhood near you. Wait till you see how much money they are spending to influence Texas politicians.

According to the latest filings with the Texas Ethics Commission, Green Group has passed out nearly $2 MILLION DOLLARS just to lobbyists.

We’ve been keeping track.

Joey Bennett, Ron Lewis, Jay Howard and Dan Pearson continue to represent Green Group in Texas and rake in sizeable paychecks.

Joey Bennett has been on the payroll since 2012. He’s made at least $574,992.99 from Green Group. Bennett has worked on the staffs of four different members of the Texas Senate and now runs his own firm. 

Ron Lewis has pocketed almost one million dollars from Green Group Holdings and Green First LLC. Lewis was a member of the Texas House of Representatives from 1985 to 2003. He started his own firm in 2003.

Howard’s been a lobbyist for the company since 2016 and has a max total compensation of $154,998. Howard is a partner at HillCo Partners.

Dan Pearson has represented Green Group and 130 Environmental Park since 2016. The entities have jointly paid Pearson a max compensation of $224,995. Pearson worked for the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts under Bob Bullock. He is now a partner and chief operating officer at HillCo Partners.

According to records filed with the TEC, Green Group has spent $1.9 million on lobbyists to push for garbage dumps in at least the two Texas cities they’ve admitted publicly, Hempstead and near Lockhart.

After a Green Group guy showed up in Laredo folks want to know if they are involved in the controversial Pescadito site. The developers even want to bring coal ash across the border from Mexico. It’s hard not to notice Green Group has a coal ash plant in Uniontown, Alabama.

“Green Group is using lots of special-interest cash to influence politicians and get this potentially dangerous landfill built against the wishes of the community,” said Wayne Dolcefino, President of Dolcefino Consulting.

“Maybe it explains why the TCEQ ignored its own safety rules and granted Green Group a first round permit,” Dolcefino said. “Maybe it explains why Texas lawmakers haven’t made it a law for companies who destroy their test results, probably on purpose, to lose the right to get their permit. It is pure garbage not to hold garbage companies accountable.”

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