Mike Leach returning to Lubbock

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Today is the day, Red Raider fans will have the chance to see the winningest coach in Texas Tech football history back in Lubbock.

Coach Leach is returning to Lubbock to sign copies of his books Swing Your Sword and Geronimo: Leadership Strategies of an American Warrior.

The book signing will start at 6:30 PM on July 23, 2018 at the Barnes & Noble bookstore at 6002 Slide Road, Lubbock, Texas 79414.

“I am looking so forward to seeing all my friends and fans who supported me while I had the pleasure of coaching the Red Raiders to the best season ever, and the folks who continue to support me as I fight to simply get paid what I was promised,” says Coach Leach.

Texas Tech is still hiding lots of records detailing the firing of Mike Leach. They are even ignoring the order of a Lubbock Judge.

“Every day they cheat Mike Leach is another day the character of Texas Tech school officials takes a real hit with donors, parents and students,” says Wayne Dolcefino, President of Dolcefino Consulting, the Houston based Investigative Communications Firm fighting for transparency at Tech.

“What are they hiding? Think about the lessons they are teaching the kids. You can get away with being a cheat. Your word means nothing. It’s okay to lie. Is that really the lesson a great school should be teaching?”

Come see Mike Leach on Monday evening, July 23, 2018.

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