Mike Leach still waiting for Texas Tech to pay him

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Elizabeth Pace of KLBK interviews Coach Mike Leach and Wayne Dolcefino about the money the famous coach is owed by Texas Tech University:

“I plan to expose that they never have arrived at any cause or completed investigation on the subject and worse they can’t even select a reason,” Leach said. “They bounced back over the years hoping something would happen, and literally nothing happened and I did nothing wrong. They were upset that I wouldn’t sign a low-ball contract and they were embarrassed and they cheat me out of what they agreed to pay me.”

“Texas Tech has been offered a choice, pay the guy,” Dolcifino said. “People in Lubbock work hard. If you worked hard and weren’t paid, you’d be mad too. This guy was leading the Red Raiders in the best season in their history and then they cheat him. They’re going to pay him back or we’re going to find out the truth of what happened.” READ MORE


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