New developments in Texas-Brazil custody drama

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Dr. Christopher S. Brann, MD

Dr. Christopher S. Brann, MD

Houston’s Ben Taub Hospital confirms it is conducting a review of Baylor Dr. Christopher Brann after stunning accusations exposed in a widening Dolcefino Consulting investigation of Houston family court injustice. A spokesman says Brann was already not seeing patients this fall but some of the disturbing e-mails we have shown were not previously known. Harris Health says they have received no formal complaints yet from patients.

The Texas-Brazil custody drama is curiously being ignored by the Houston media, but the fight took center stage on Fantástico, Brazil’s most popular news program, last Sunday and comments made by Dr. Brann are already under fresh scrutiny.

Marcelle Guimaraes claims she fled to Brazil with her son after a corrupt Houston family court refused to listen to her claims Dr. Brann was violent and a sex addict. Guimaraes’ parents were recently convicted of helping her kidnap little Nico, even though a lot of the evidence they wanted to use to prove they were protecting a victim of domestic abuse was kept out of court. Carlos and Jemima Guimaraes face sentencing in October.

Sunday on a TV program viewed by 70 percent of the country, Dr. Brann claimed he only slapped his wife once, and was never a sex addict, despite disturbing e-mails already showing he wrote his wife, “Was triggered by a patient (22 y/o who needed a pelvic exam) I did not do the exam. I asked one of the residents to do it. I have avoided all pelvic and breast exams since coming back from PCS.” PCS is a family counseling service. Dolcefino Consulting has billing from a Houston based therapist who handles sex and porn addiction.

A new e-mail obtained by Dolcefino Consulting written by Dr. Brann shows him confessing to having a disease during the time of the sex therapy. “I am responsible for me having this disease, but it is hard to beat,” he wrote.

“It is time for a full public discussion of the real circumstances that led Marcelle Guimaraes to leave Texas for Brazil,” says Wayne Dolcefino, President of Dolcefino Consulting.

Baylor College of Medicine has refused to comment on the doctor’s writing about his patients, but there are growing calls in Brazil for the boy’s grandparents to be sent home. Dolcefino Consulting’s Family Injustice reports have been seen by tens of thousands of Brazilians, leading to widespread media coverage in Brazil. Brann is also now claiming his wife forced him to confess to significant domestic violence.

Houston media reports have been sympathetic to Brann’s fight to regain custody of his son here in Texas, but Guimaraes is also a U.S. citizen who says she was forced to flee to her native Brazil to protect her son from a “monster.”

“This investigation of Judge Lombardino’s curious court rulings exposed this Brazil case, and I find it shocking the Houston media doesn’t seem to want to give this victim her right to tell her story directly to Houstonians,” says Wayne Dolcefino. “In this time of the me-too movement it makes me wonder if she is being treated differently because she is Brazilian born. She was denied the right to testify from Brazil. Doesn’t the full story matter?”

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