The cavalry finally arrives

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For months, oyster fisherman have been waging war to stop the smelly oyster deal hatched by the politicians in Chambers County and their friends.

A company called S.T.O.R.M, owned by a Chambers county political power broker and his son the Judge, cut a smelly deal with the Chambers Liberty County Navigation District. STORM was given sole rights to 23,000 acres of Galveston Bay bottom for exclusive oyster production.

No one else got to compete. S.T.O.R.M paid a fraction of what they should have. If allowed to stand, STORM would become the godfather of the bay, deciding who could oyster, even on public reefs that belong to all Texans. S.T.O.R.M. would control half the oyster production in Galveston Bay, one of the biggest oyster spots in the entire country.

Oyster fisherman along the coast have been screaming for the State of Texas to help.

Tonight the cavalry has arrived. The Parks and Wildlife Department have filed a major lawsuit against the navigation district and S.T.O.RM saying the lease is illegal, amounting to a virtual poaching of public oysters.

“Galveston Bay belongs to the People of Texas and I speak for fisherman all along the coast. Thank God the Parks and Wildlife Department has joined the fight.”

Halili says her oyster boats have been harassed by S.T.O.RM. boats, leading to the death of tens of thousands of baby oysters.

The State of Texas, on behalf of the people of Texas, says the Chambers County Navigation District and S.T.O.R.M. must now pay taxpayers for the value of all the wildlife unlawfully killed, caught, taken, or even injured.

For further information, contact Wayne Dolcefino at

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