Blood On Their Hands: Kim Ogg’s Broken Promise

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Kim Ogg ran for the job as Harris County’s chief law enforcement officer promoting “OPERATION NO MERCY.”

Now a Dolcefino Consulting investigation will prove the current Harris County District Attorney broke her promise. Hundreds of burglars were given another chance to behave and you probably already know what happened.

What a shock. While you shelter in place streets are empty and the thieves, they are having a field day.

Commercial burglaries up almost twenty percent. While small business folks go broke the thieves get rich.

“We’re going to have a crime bomb in Harris County,” said Texas State Senator Paul Bettencourt.

So, what did Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo do? She started releasing jail inmates, including more burglars.

“We spotted another man released under Hidalgo’s order. The one finger salute though told us he didn’t want to talk.”

Houston area lawmen may be wearing masks these days, but they are clearly up in arms.

“Enough is enough and quite frankly we are not going to let this happen in the darkness,” said HPD Chief Art Acevedo.

A criminal district judge stopped the release for now but even if County Judge Hidalgo empties the jail, she won’t be the Harris county politician who gets the prize for giving so many burglars so many more chances to steal again.

She will. Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, talking tough to the cameras when she’s surrounded by law enforcement.

“All of us realize the public deserves protection, that crime victims should have a voice,” said Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg.

After all it was the heart of her campaign for office.

“We must never forget that crime victims are the only unwilling participants in the justice system,” Ogg said.

But since Kim Ogg has been the chief law enforcement officer in our town more than 22,000 criminals have been given the chance to just wipe away the convictions on their record by simply promising to behave. It’s called deferred adjudication.

“Insanity. And it’s, I mean it’s got to stop. But people are already dying so at what point do you say enough is enough?” said private investigator Mark Stephens.

Mark Stephens used to investigate corrupt politicians when the Houston Police Department was still allowed to do that stuff. Now as a private investigator he catches burglars who prey on construction sites.

“The agenda is to be soft on crime. It’s part of this criminal justice reform that is not really reform, it’s just, um, political nonsense,” Stephens said. “And victims, crime victims. They don’t matter anymore.”

Ogg’s office, with the help of soft on crime judges, routinely let loose folks who have the nerve to invade our homes and companies to steal our stuff.

“This is like open season,” said Wayne Dolcefino, President of Dolcefino Consulting.

“It is,” Stephens said.

Dolcefino consulting has done what no one else has. We’ve dug deep into all those numbers. 718 burglary cases where the suspect was caught red handed but not sent to jail.

Whatever happened to that no mercy for burglars pledge? Ogg’s campaign promise. Here it is in black and white.

“I remember that no mercy promise because I wrote those words on that press release,” Dolcefino said. “Dolcefino consulting helped Kim Ogg become our district attorney… but Ogg broke has broken her promise to me to protect you and we plan to hold her accountable.”

“It’s like a, honestly like a slap in the face to the public and everybody else,” said Ebony Couttee.

They are not just numbers to this young woman. One of those burglars who got a sweet deal murdered her brother last February.

Reginald Larry was gunned down at his neighborhood corner store on the way to Sunday family dinner.

“He was on his way to his grandmother’s for dinner when he was shot. And this is the man right here charged with the murder, Gerald Washington.”

“It scarred my mom. She hasn’t been back to work. She just, she lays in the bed pretty much all day or she sits on the porch. She just can’t get it together with that being her first son and everything,” Couttee said.

Gerald Washington is now on the run, but he has left a 7 yearlong very bloody trail that exposes the consequences of being soft on crime

“Should anyone with a violent history ever get deferred?” Dolcefino said.

“No. It should never be on the table at all,” Stephens said.

March 2013. Washington jailed for his first violent assault. Months later he is jailed after threatening to kill his girlfriend. In a six-month period, Washington was charged with two burglaries in Harris county Another in Fort Bend.

The Harris County District Attorney’s Office does not argue for jail time. Instead Washington is given a chance to wipe the convictions off his record.

He did not deserve it. The following October Gerald Washington was charged with his first known deadly crime.

“We have some breaking news from southwest Houston where homicide investigators are in a neighborhood where three women have been shot, one of them killed.”

When you are on deferred another crime is supposed to be a deal breaker, but Kim Ogg’s office failed to file a motion to adjudicate guilt in Washington’s case and try and get him off the streets.

Democratic judge Ramona Franklin let Washington post bond instead, so he was free to kill again, and you know what? He did.

“Do you believe the District Attorney in this case has blood on her hands?” Dolcefino asked.

“Yes. Right along with the judge that granted him deferred adjudication. Honestly, I feel like the DA and the judge and everybody else that had they hands in this played a big part in it because if this man was not let out jail, my brother would be here. I honestly believe that,” Couttee said.

Joshua Bourgeois was given deferred adjudication after being busted for burglarizing his girlfriend’s place after he beat her up, two other felonies dismissed in that deal.

“Twenty-five-year-old Joshua Bourgeois is charged with murder tonight.”

Look what happened. Bourgeois is now charged with murder after dumping another girlfriend’s dead body at a Katy Freeway gas station.

“Do you think we’ve gotten too soft on crime?” Dolcefino asked.

“Yes. Yes sir. Yes sir,” Couttee said.

“Because they’re not keeping them in jail, because they’re not sending them to prison, they’re killing people,” Stephens said.

Want more evidence Ogg’s soft on crime approach threatens your family?

We looked at all 718 cases where burglars got a chance to wipe away evidence of their crime since Kim Ogg took office. In 44.1 percent of the cases, that’s nearly half, crooks have already gone on to commit more crime or violate the terms of their deal. 306 different bad guys. That should scare the hell out of everyone who calls Houston home.

“You steady just giving this criminal more and more opportunities to get out and do the same crime or more violent crime,” Couttee said.

Want to know how silly the Harris county criminal justice system is becoming?

Michael Lyons first got busted in 1975. He’s been sentenced to jail at least a dozen times. Records from the Harris County District Clerk show he has been convicted of thirteen separate felonies, a registered sex offender, and six convictions for burglary.

In December of 2018 Lyons gets busted for burglarizing Stone Cast in northwest Houston. While out on bond he gets busted for another burglary. Guess what? No jail time.

Kim Ogg’s office did argue for jail but a fellow democrat named Judge Hilary Unger gave Lyons another chance. Really?

Kim Ogg campaigned as a champion of crime victims.

“Houston has the highest burglary rate in the country. I have a strategic plan to help small business victims and reduce burglaries,” Ogg said.

Made headlines exposing the mistreatment of a rape victim by the former DA. Now Kim Ogg faces the consequences of her broken promise. Whatever happened to no mercy for burglars?

“I pray that they get somebody into office that will actually do their job and to do it the right way to keep these criminals off the street,” Couttee said.

“I have a strategic plan to help small business victims and reduce burglaries,” Ogg said.

Sure, she did. Now we’ve got her record. My advice? Lock your doors.

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