Fort Bending The Law

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With the December runoff behind us it’s time to get full swing into the upcoming primaries. And in Fort Bend you won’t believe who is bending -er, we mean BREAKING the law.

Texans are rightfully nostalgic when it comes to the storied history of the Texas Rangers.

And it’s the honor of the white hat that Pete Luna now hopes will help win him the job as the next Fort Bend County sheriff. He was after all the ranger assigned to Richmond Texas before his retirement.

“Because they know what I’m about. I have a high degree of integrity and accountability,” claimed Pete Luna.

But Pete Luna has a problem that should make him legally unelectable.

After rejecting our request for an interview to talk about his candidacy, we came knocking. And we know Luna was home, but he wouldn’t come to the door. So, we talked to his ring camera instead.

“Pete, you’re a ranger so I know you know the law,” said Wayne Dolcefino.

Under Texas law you have to live in the county where you are running for local office for at least six months before the filing deadline.

It’s right here in black and white in the Texas Election Code.

And on his application for the Democratic primary next March, Luna says he has lived in Fort Bend County not just for six months but for seven years.  Lists his permanent residence address here on Falcon Tallon Ct.

And Luna stood in front of that house to announce his candidacy on social media.

“And together we can create a better and safer fort bend county for all,” said Luna.

And Luna swore out his ballot application in front of the Fort Bend County Democratic Chairwoman.

“He is registered in Fort Bend County and since he’s running for sheriff; he can live anywhere in Fort Bend County. And I have accepted his application based on the information he has given,” said Cynthia Ginyard.

Luna is registered to vote in Fort Bend County, lists his voting address at the Fort Bend County Courthouse.

Obviously, he doesn’t live there but he has been taking advantage of a special exception for lawmen, so they don’t have to give out their home address.

But we know where Pete Luna really lives, and he’s got a lot of explaining to do.

“How are you running for sheriff in Fort Bend County if you live in Harris County,” asked Wayne Dolcefino.

This is where Pete Luna really lives. Where he goes home every night. Where walks his dogs early in the morning. It’s a Katy address in Harris County.

Private investigators documented him at that house for weeks.

A simple check of Harris County tax records shows he’s lived in this house for nearly twenty years.

He even declares a homestead exemption on it. A tax break you get for your primary residence.

Luna isn’t trying to sell it either, so this isn’t a close call at all. That other address belongs to his parents.

“I have no reason to not believe what you are saying. I’m not arguing your information,” continued Cythis Ginyard.

We had hoped Luna would voluntarily withdraw before we had to air this story, but he didn’t. So, we are.

“He files that application. I look him up. He’s a voter in Fort Bend County. I still could not reject him based on that information I may have heard in the wind. Okay,” explained Ginyard.

Wayne replied, “Cause you have.”

Cynthia continued, “Now! Hold on! Can it be challenged? Yes. Is the party able to do that? No.”

And it’s not the first controversy swirling around the Fort Bend Democratic Party this winter.

There are media reports that a candidate for Fort Bend County Commissioner Abrahim Javed moved from Beaumont to Fort Bend County just a couple of weeks before the filing deadline. But at least he made an effort to move.

“I care about the community where I grew up in,” said Luna.

Luna does have history in Fort Bend County, a former adult probation officer. He spent much of his adult life working for the Department of Public Safety.

So, he busted people for breaking the law. Is he going to bust himself now? You not only have to live in the county where you run for local office, you can’t legally vote in a county where you don’t live either.

We got a copy of the ballot application under the Texas Public information act.

Once it was filed it became a government record and falsifying a government record is a crime.

It’s also a class a misdemeanor to knowingly or intentionally make a false statement on a registration application. We don’t know if the Fort Bend District Attorney will care, but voters should.

If you aren’t honest about where you vote or even where you live, can you really be the chief law enforcement officer for an entire county? I don’t think so.

Wayne asked, “How are you running for sheriff in Fort Bend County if you live in Harris County. Are you going to withdraw? Pete?”

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