Weak With Power
Share this story: We’re working on some shocking new revelations in our investigation of City Manager Fred Sandoval. Stay tuned. In the meantime, this is the latest evidence these politicians in this Rio Grande Valley town just don’t get it.[…..]
The CenterPoint Investigation: Profits Over People
Share this story: Texas lawmakers finally have a chance to hold CenterPoint truly accountable for their Hurricane Beryl disaster after they got busted for putting PROFITS OVER PEOPLE! Here’s the latest. “How is Houston going to be the energy capital[…..]
Toll Road Monster
Share this story: We already know there’s an audit of the Harris County toll road spending on temporary workers, but we found another smelly deal at the toll road and it’s time for someone to put an end to this[…..]
Abuse Of Power
Share this story: The City Manager in the Rio Grande Valley town of San Benito won our CRYBABY OF THE YEAR AWARD! But what we are about to expose is no joke. Hiding the truth from taxpayers is an ABUSE[…..]
A Town Divided
Share this story: Sometimes I feel like I’m on a never-ending tour of dysfunctional city governments. This time we’re in the east Texas city of Jasper, a town divided over questions of ethics and transparency. “This is the most dysfunctional[…..]
Wicked In Conroe
Share this story: There’s an uproar in Conroe, Texas over the dramatic pay raises for city administrators! Now, one of the cities top officials is accusing critics of being SEXIST and RACIST. It’s getting WICKED down in Conroe… “When I[…..]
Shut It Down
Share this story: The Justice Department is investigating the fountain of fraud that produced a 400-unit low-income apartment complex in Houston’s East End. It’s time we abolish the Houston Housing Authority for these multi-million dollar problems! Local TV stations are[…..]
San Benito Shakedown
Share this story: The city manager and others are accused of trying to hijack a multi-million dollar shopping center at taxpayers expense! That’s right! We are back in the Rio Grande Valley!!! “Mayor… I’d like to talk to you about[…..]
Let’s Play Ball!
Share this story: Government in the tiny town of Splendora is a family affair, and now there are allegations that the family is taking out its vengeance on a woman trying to bring a multimillion dollar sports complex to town.[…..]
Share this story: The County auditor has launched a comprehensive review into toll road temporary worker contracts following our investigation. We told you we were GETTING SCROOGED and now we have the goods to prove it. Lawmakers are calling for[…..]