Total Recall

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The residents in Dickinson are fed up and they want to recall THE DICK OF DICKINSON. Mayor Sean Skipworth may face a new election once the citizens collect enough signatures to put his political future back on the ballot.

Dickinson residents aren’t waiting on a Christmas miracle. They are organizing to make one happen.

Former Dickinson city councilman Scott Shrader is one of the leaders in an effort to recall Dickinson mayor Sean Skipworth. The dick of Dickinson.

In the past 2 and a half years, a lot of folks say Skipworth has done nothing but tear the city apart.

“I’m pretty confident. I think there’s a lot of upset people in Dickinson. They keep saying it’s a few, but it’s a lot of people that are upset,” said Scott Shrader.

These folks say Skipworth’s strong arm tactics and back door deals have created a huge turnover of city employees. On top of that, he’s cost the city hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees.

“If we if we continue down the path that he’s trying to lead this city, we’re going to go bankrupt,” said Wally Deats.

Wally Deats, another former councilman supports ousting Skipworth 100%.

“I love this place and I don’t like to see it like it is right now,” said Ernie Deats.

So does his 84-year-old cousin, Ernie who says the Deats family has been part of Dickinson since the 1870’s.

Deats road has played another part in the ongoing drama in Dickinson. It’s where the low-income apartment Creekside complex is located.

Its closure in December of 22 has triggered talk of a multi-million dollar lawsuit.

Ernie would rather see Skipworth just resign, but if a recall is what it takes well so be it.

“I think there’s enough people that feel the same way I do, that they are tired of the turmoil of fighting going on around here,” said Ernie Deats.

I’m probably 1 of about 5 who know that every story and every method and exactly what they’re capable of. And because of that, now the chamber is closed. The sales tax numbers are down,” said Dawn King.

Dawn King has had to close the Dickinson Chamber of Commerce that she founded, after she says she was targeted by Skipworth and Dickinson’s controversial city manager, Theo Melancon.

The fight has been nasty and personal she says, but the recall is simple.

“We hired you. We elected you. We hired you to do a certain job. You are not performing according to expectations. And now we need to let you go,” said Dawn King.

“We just talked to the city secretary. She has certified our petitions to go start collecting signatures,” said Scott Shrader.

A successful petition drive will offer the mayor a chance to resign. If not, there will be a special recall election.

“The total number she gave me was 689 signatures needed,” said Shrader.

The recall effort has 30 days to collect all of the signatures needed.

There’s already been an effort to educate citizens about why they think Skipworth should be recalled.

“Dickinson politics uncensored on Facebook is where it’s currently available,” said Wally Deats.

“The documents have been put out for everyone to see. There’s even more that will come out if we can, in this next 30 days as we ask people to consider to support the recall. We will have the documents to prove it. It won’t be any hearsay,” said Dawn King.

“What happens is when council won’t act and rein him in, then it’s up to the citizens to do something about it. And that’s what we’re doing,” said Wally Deats.

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