The stall game in divorce court

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Divorce cases shouldn’t last for years. There are more fireworks in the Sherry and Marek Menger divorce, already in the courts for two years.

A motion filed by Sherry Menger details the chain of events that have recently stalled the case. Menger wants the court to just grant the divorce already.

Who can blame her?

The court date to grant the divorce has already been postponed three times. The last time, Mr. Menger’s attorney, Mary Van Orman, didn’t even show up. She is the eleventh lawyer in the case on just one side. Van Orman couldn’t be present for the arbitration ordered by the judge on February 5, 2018 or any of the eight other dates provided by the arbitrator.

The final entry date is set for February 14, 2018, and Mary Van Orman says she can’t attend that court hearing either because of a protective order signed by another Judge.

Mary Van Orman was scheduled to be in trial on Valentine’s Day, helping attorney Bobby Newman represent David Frank Lombardino, the son of another family Judge James Lombardino.

The Lombardino divorce case is drawing scrutiny too. Newman has a lot of cases in Judge Lombardino’s court, and the Judge is facing ethical questions for not disclosing the divorce.

That is not the issue tomorrow. We checked the 257th District Court and they told us there is no Lombardino trial this week. If that’s true, then Mary Van Orman could make it. Judge Millard should make her.

Look Judges, these two, three, four or five-year divorce cases only make the lawyers rich. The same lawyers who fund judicial campaigns. It creates Family Injustice.

Hasn’t Sherry Menger waited long enough?

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