Wife of Houston cop jailed in custody fight

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The wife of a Houston Swat Officer has been sent to Galveston County Jail today because she refused to turn her two teenagers back to the veteran Houston Police officer.

Mindy and Allan Comstock are locked in a vicious two-and-a-half-year long divorce and custody battle, playing out in court this week. Galveston County Judge John Grady took the rare step of holding Comstock in contempt. She will be allowed to return to court in the morning, but likely jailed again tomorrow night.

“My children have been through enough. They do not want to be with their father and they are old enough to make that choice,” says Mindy Comstock. “This is an outrageous abuse of power by Judge Grady.”

The kids have been staying with Mindy for part of the summer and Comstock says they simply don’t want to go back to live with their father. Should they be forced to?

Last week, Allan’s mother in law filed a criminal complaint alleging Officer Comstock abused the elderly couple by making tens of thousands of dollars of unauthorized purchases with their credit cards. Comstock has made several allegations against Officer Comstock, from his use of pornography to misuse of evidence photos, but virtually all of the complaints were dismissed by the Houston Police Internal Affairs Unit.

“Over the years I have had several complaints from women who want to report domestic issues with their law enforcement husbands and feel the system doesn’t care,” says Wayne Dolcefino, President of Dolcefino Consulting. “It is time for these women to be taken seriously.”

There is an amicus appointed to represent the interests of the children. Christine Mangle was sick today and not in court, a weird time for the Judge to take this unusual action.

The trial is scheduled to continue in Judge Grady’s Galveston County Court at Law 1 in the morning, but Comstock’s arrest has shined a light on a bigger issue, women who feel they are ignored when they complain about abuse by their law enforcement husbands.

“If there is a lawyer already paid to represent the children, who are teenagers, why don’t the kids get a vote?” asks Dolcefino. “I wonder if they even know their mother is in jail.”

Mindy Comstock is represented by Attorney Rick Ramos. Members of the media may contact Wayne Dolcefino for comment.

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