Judgment day for Mary Van Orman

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Woodlands attorney Mary Van Orman has an interesting week ahead of her.

The fun will really get started Wednesday. There’s a hearing in the highly contentious divorce between Sherry and Marek Menger.

Van Orman will be in front of Judge Lisa Millard asking for a new trial for her client, Marek Menger. Van Orman has argued she needs a new trial, in part, because she could not attend the final hearing in the divorce case back on February 27, 2018 even though she argued by phone.

Van Orman claimed she couldn’t attend the hearing because she was in trial in a child custody case in Montgomery County in Judge Tracey Gilbert’s court. Court records show that wasn’t true.

In a recent post on her personal Facebook page, Judge Lisa Millard said, “Harris County deserves judges who are respected, experienced, fair, impartial, faithful to the constitution and dedicated to justice under the law.” On Wednesday, Judge Millard has an opportunity to continue to be that kind of judge for the people of Harris County. Mary Van Orman’s stall game in the Menger divorce case has gone on long enough and Judge Millard should put a stop to the nonsense. If she doesn’t, voters can end the stall game at the polls in November.

Then there’s Thursday, when Van Orman gets a return to Judge Gilbert’s Montgomery County courtroom to explain why she has ignored his orders in another legal circus.

Van Orman was ordered to write a big check and make an apology to Conroe attorney Katherine Bihm for unprofessional, bizarre behavior in and out of the courtroom. Judge Gilbert issued the punishment more than a month ago.

Should be fun to see what he will do now that Van Orman has essentially told him to buzz off.

Van Orman faces jail time.

In our view, she’s a mess.

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