Administrative Judge Olen Underwood ignores Family Injustice

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Administrative Judge Olen Underwood had a great chance in recent days to put a stop to the FAMILY INJUSTICE sweeping through the halls of the Harris County Civil Courthouse.

Instead he protected a fellow judge.

There are growing complaints in the 308 th District Court that Judge James Lombardino treats divorce lawyer Bobby King Newman differently than the other lawyers that practice in Lombardino’s court.

Campaign records already show Newman, his family and his firm contribute more money to Lombardino than they do to any other judge. Records also show Newman helps arrange fundraisers for
Lombardino’s campaigns.

When Dolcefino Consulting revealed Newman was representing Lombardino’s son, David Lombardino, in his divorce, attorneys facing Newman in the 308 th began filing motions to recuse Judge Lombardino.

Newman has more than a dozen active cases in Lombardino’s court. There is no evidence Lombardino disclosed Newman was working for his son.

Neither the Judge or Newman has agreed to release the legal bills and payments from the Lombardino family.

Underwood has now denied a recusal motion filed by Houston Attorney Don Robinowitz. Underwood’s ruling argues that if a Judge can be “taken out of a case because of his relationship with the lawyer, then the lawyer would gain control of the courtroom.”

Exactly Judge Underwood.

“We are getting more complaints that Bobby Newman gets special treatment in Lombardino’s court,” says Wayne Dolcefino, President of Dolcefino Consulting, “The campaign practices of electing judges is troubling enough. Judge Lombardino should have known that the right thing to do was to disclose his relationship with Bobby Newman.”

Dolcefino Consulting has called on Newman and Lombardino to release the invoices and payments for the son’s divorce cases. Both have been silent.

“Let’s see how much Lombardino’s kid has paid for a normal 600 dollars per hour lawyer,” says Dolcefino, “If he is getting a discount, maybe it’s because he’s a great guy – not because he’s the son of a Judge who rules on dozens of cases involving Bobby Newman.”

Canon 2(A) of the Texas Code of Judicial Ethics requires that “A judge shall comply with the law and should act at all times in a manner that promotes public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary.”

Lombardino’s failure to disclose his relationship with Bobby Newman does not promote public confidence in the judiciary.

Canon 3(D)(1) of the Texas Code of Judicial Ethics states that “A judge who receives information clearly establishing that another judge has committed a violation of this Code should take appropriate action.”

Underwood has not taken action. He should.

Judge Lombardino should disclose. Judge Underwood should want to investigate allegations of FAMILY INJUSTICE.

Judge Underwood remains the administrative Judge even though his term expired in April of 2016.

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