You got to love HCC
Share this story: You got to love HCC. A swamp that keeps giving. Read on… Keep up with us on social media:
DA Kim Ogg recuses herself on Turner complaint, but why?
Share this story: The Harris County District Attorney has filed a sealed court motion to recuse her office from further investigation into a Dolcefino Consulting criminal complaint filed against Mayor Turner for hiding e-mails. Judge David Mendoza, the ethics counsel[…..]
Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg fights release of HCC’s Adriana Tamez investigation
Share this story: Does Houston Community College (HCC) Board Member Adriana Tamez actually live in the house she claims? Taxpayers deserve an answer. We are waiting for answers. Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg is now hiding answers too. The[…..]
Harris County DA Kim Ogg should recuse office in Turner email complaint
Share this story: DA Kim Ogg should recuse office Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg remains silent on Mayor Sylvester Turner’s illegal withholding of city e-mails sent on a private server. She has ignored our request for an interview. Why?[…..]
DA Kim Ogg crossed the line in HCC Adriana Tamez case
Share this story: Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg’s office has crossed the line on the HCC Adriana Tamez case. Why do they even bother to call it the Public Integrity Unit? Adriana Tamez is a District Trustee on the[…..]
Report for Houston Community College
Share this story: A formal investigation of the Houston Community College recommends a criminal probe of at least one sitting Houston Community College Board Trustee, and recommends an axe be taken to exorbitant legal fees. Dolcefino Consulting was hired in[…..]
Wayne Dolcefino named lead in HCC investigation
Share this story: Wayne Dolcefino to lead HCC misconduct investigation, school trustee announces (KPRC 2) Houston Community College Trustee Dave Wilson on Thursday announced an investigation into misconduct. Wilson said that Wayne Dolcefino will lead the investigation into the school[…..]