Judge Lisa Millard ignores courtroom assault

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Two weeks ago, Associate Judge Conrad Moren ordered the physical assault of Dolcefino Consulting President Wayne Dolcefino by a Harris County Precinct One Deputy Constable serving as a bailiff in a Family Courtroom.

Don’t remember seeing Conrad Moren on the election ballot?

You didn’t.

Moms and Dads in this town are literally having their children taken away by totally unelected Judges in Harris County like Moren who face no accountability by the voters. Not only unelected, no financial disclosure, given the right to wear a black robe, only by another Judge we do elect. That is stupid.

“Sadly, because we elect our Judges some of these appointed Associate Judges may actually be more legally qualified than the Judges we elect, but that’s beside the point. If a Judge is going to have the power to destroy a family they should have to face the voters, period, but that’s not the only reason Judge Moren should go”, says Wayne Dolcefino, President of Dolcefino Consulting.

Weeks ago, Wayne Dolcefino was improperly subpoenaed in a divorce case by Mary Van Orman, an Attorney under growing fire for her bizarre behavior and widening client complaints. Not only did Judge Moren not take any action to discipline the lawyer, but as Wayne was leaving the courtroom Judge Moren ordered the Harris County Precinct One Deputy Constable to physically restrain him and drag him back into court.

“I was grabbed around the neck and dragged back into the courtroom,” says Dolcefino. “Curiously, there is no video recorded in that courtroom, the bailiff used excessive force but wasn’t wearing a body camera and the Judge has apparently lost his eyesight and claims he knows nothing about nothing even though he watched me pushed back into the courtroom.”

Judge Millard appointed Moren and has ignored repeated phone calls to discuss this violation. No one should be physically assaulted in a civil courtroom. Period. By her failure to even return my call, Judge Millard is telling Houstonians what he thinks about justice in her court.”

Today, Dolcefino Consulting President Wayne Dolcefino called on Constable Alan Rosen to stop stalling and immediately fire the deputy involved. We also call on Judge Moren to submit his resignation, and if Judge Millard doesn’t ask for it, voters should send a message to her in November.

“There is acceptable conduct and what happened under Judge Moren’s watch is outrageous and requires his resignation or removal from office. I have notified the Constable and the County Attorney that I am exploring all legal options if these personnel actions do not happen immediately,” says Dolcefino. “While filing suit can be seen as a conflict with my company’s Investigative Consulting work, I view what happened as a direct retaliation for the work we are doing exposing the perjury palace that has become our courthouse. I view Judge Millard’s and Constable Rosen’s failure to act as a contribution to the growing distrust of the court system that Houstonians rightfully share.”

“I am incredibly disappointed in Constable Rosen’s office, and I have communicated that loudly and clearly”, says Dolcefino. “After weeks of wasting time, the office wants me to take a lie detector test, as if my credibility is suddenly at issue. I have already provided a sworn statement, a formal criminal complaint, and I will be glad to do further testifying under oath in a court of law if these actions do not occur, and I am not famous for bluffing.”

For further information, please contact Wayne Dolcefino at the number previously provided.

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