Ogg challenged Anderson on “Buck” case at TSU

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Duane Buck was sentenced to death row after an expert pscyhologist testified he was more likely to commit violent acts in the future because of his race. Buck is African-American.

The United States Supreme Court has questioned the sentencing, which has sparked outrage across the country. Juctice Sam Alito said “ what occurred is indefensible.”

What has our District Attorney done? Devon Anderson refuses to join the call for a new sentencing hearing. She has been silent. What message is she sending to the African-American Community?

“This is yet another case of horrible judgement. Duane Buck was found guilty. In a fair hearing he may be sentenced to death again, but it must be a fair hearing. When I am District Attorney I promise race will never be used as a factor in who we prosecute and the sentences we seek. We are better than this,” says Ogg.

Ogg will issue a challenge to the District Attorney to join the call for justice.

“Devon Anderson should go back and re-read the law books on justice. She stands silent while her prosecutors use race. She defends jailing rape victims. She hides news of destroyed evidence. None of this makes us safer.”

Ogg will be available to the media at 10:00 am Saturday morning (10/8/2016) during an important event held by the Houston Metropolitan Chapter of 100 Black Men. “Keeping our Kids Out of the Criminal Justice Pipeline.”

The TSU School of Business, 3100 Cleburne Street. Houston, Texas 77004.

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