Journalist Trent Seibert remembered by Wayne Dolcefino

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Wayne Dolcefino and Dolcefino Consulting statement on the death of our friend Trent Seibert:

This is so unfair. Just forty-seven years old. Such a loss. Trent was a rare breed of watchdog investigative journalist. It consumed him. The fight for transparency and government honesty was like oxygen for him. He fought on the front lines for truth like few people I will ever know.

He was a friend. Such an ally in the fight against arrogance and political corruption in Houston.

In the war to preserve the public right to know he was always willing to charge up the hill next to me, whether at 13, or in recent years at my company. I cant put into words how much I will miss him.

You can read more about the life of Seibert here.

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