Catching fire

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More than 60,000 people have already viewed the offer from Dolcefino Consulting on Facebook.

We offered to help the Houston City Secretary count the petitions so there would be a November vote for our Houston firefighters (HFD).

And folks are stepping up to help.

Pasadena businessman Jack Rodriguez even offered to arrange a bus load of senior citizens to come to Dolcefino Consulting headquarters on Kirby Drive to help get it done.

“We have been contacted by the fathers of young firefighters, even the children of firefighters thanking us for our offer, says Wayne Dolcefino, President of Dolcefino Consulting. “We have also received lots of complaints about Mayor Sylvester Turner, who clearly could get the petitions done if he really wanted to. Houstonians are watching.”

By the way, no one from the City of Houston has called us, even though I know the Mayor knows how to find us.

Dolcefino Consulting has offered to help count the petitions for the vote absolutely free as a public service.

“Time is running out. It is amazing to me that Mayor Turner is not accepting free help to give the citizens of Houston the right to vote on pay parity for folks who would risk their lives to save his family,” says Dolcefino. “Let’s put petty politics aside, and join together to make this happen.”

Our video offering the help has reached 160,000 people so far. You can view it on our Houston firefighters pay page. Like it and share it.

Let’s put pressure on the City.

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