Digging in city hall trash…one way or the other

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Dolcefino Consulting has issued subpoenas for e-mails of Maya Ford, a close confidante of Mayor Sylvester Turner. It is the latest development in the fight to expose e-mails surrounding City of Houston garbage and recycling contracts.

Ford was an advocate for ECOHUB, the recycling system that would seriously cut the cost of Houston garbage pickup, turning trash into new manufactured products. The company had arranged private money to finance the first plant. The City of Houston was on the verge of finalizing a contract when Turner took office and quickly killed the deal.

Since last December ECOHUB has been trying to expose bid rigging and possible corruption in the awarding of recycling contracts. Dolcefino Consulting has been fighting with Houston City Hall over public records detailing communications between City Hall and big garbage companies.

“We know Maya Ford sent e-mails to the Mayor and other top City Officials alleging Houston Solid Waste Boss, Harry Hayes was ethically challenged, showing favoritism to big garbage companies,” says Wayne Dolcefino, President of Dolcefino Consulting. Shame on Mayor Turner for keeping secrets about the way public funds are spent. We already know this deal smells.

Judge Kristen Hawkins is presiding over the legal fight between Dolcefino Consulting and the City of Houston.

“We have been fighting to get records of these lucrative garbage deals for nearly a year. If the Mayor isn’t hiding anything stop playing games.” Says Dolcefino.

Dolcefino Consulting is a Houston based Investigative Communications firm headed by award winning Investigative Journalist and Private Investigator Wayne Dolcefino.

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