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There’s more trouble brewing for Woodlands attorney Mary Van Orman.

Van Orman now faces sanctions hearing in the 418 th District Court in Montgomery County.

Conroe attorney Kate Bihm filed a motion for sanctions against Van Orman, accusing her in an eleven-page motion of “cruel, boorish, and bizarre behavior.”

The motion details how Van Orman showed in court two hours late, without shoes on her feet. It further goes on to states that Van Orman has repeatedly been late to hearings and
on March 20, 2018, failed to appear at a hearing entirely.

What was Mary Van Orman doing on March 20, 2018? Why couldn’t she attend the
scheduled hearing?

Here’s what the motion says:

“Moreover, on March 19, 2018, the date on which Ms. Van Orman insists that she needed to be at her son’s bedside due to his medical condition, Ms. Van Orman posted on social
media that her son was flying by himself on United Airlines, belying her allegedly sworn motion for continuance that Ms. Van Orman could not travel.”

Did Mary Van Orman fib to a judge? Where have we heard that before?

Dolcefino Consulting has reported Van Orman told Houston Judge Lisa Millard that she would be unable to attend the final hearing in the Menger divorce case on February 27, 2018 because she was in trial in Judge Gilbert’s court in Montgomery County. According to Montgomery County records, no hearing was held on February 27, 2018 in the other case.

Bihm’s motion goes on to detail a phone call between Bihm and Van Orman where Van Orman asked Bihm to agree to a continuance in the child custody case. Bihm declined to agree to the continuance and according to Bihm’s motion, Van Orman responded by saying “God bless you, Kate, that’s why you’ll never be a mother, because you’re a f—–ng bitch.”

Van Orman apparently then hung up the phone.

According to Bihm this is not the first time Van Orman has used offensive language toward her. Bihm claims Van Orman called her an “a–hole” for objecting to rescheduling a hearing.

Bihm states in her motion that she was told by more than one attorney that Van Orman could be heard in the Red Brick Tavern “making statements to the effect that she would have Bihm’s “head on a plate.”

Bihm further alleges that Van Orman has called her vulgar names and claimed that Bihm is a liar and unethical. Bihm is asking Judge Gilbert, the very judge Van Orman got to sign an order to use to try and get out of the Menger hearing.

This is getting bizarre.

Family Injustice. What Judges will do the right thing and restore justice?

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