Disturbing revelations: Sylvester Turner for sale?

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Last night KTRK Channel 13 reported on Sylvester Turner’s apparent use of public office to enrich himself.  The disturbing report says Turner’s title company was paid a whopping $144,000 for the sale of just one school property, after Turner had helped convince minority voters to pass the HISD bond.

Even if it is not illegal, the fact that Turner would appear to sell his influence for this deal suggests that he is what is wrong with politics. Houston needs to end “pay to play” politics.  The news report also shows Turner received over $800,000 on yet another city transaction.  City Housing records show companies linked to Turner received more than $3 million dollars in payments from affordable housing funds.

Today we’ve learned Sylvester Turner’s law firm charged state funded charter schools hundreds of thousands of dollars to represent them before the very state regulators Turner influences as a legislator.  He should be helping the children of Texas for free.

“The true judge of a politician is what he does to improve his community and not what he does for his own bank account,” says Hall. “Mr. Turner fails the test miserably”.

“If Sylvester Turner will use his elected office to make himself rich he is not a person to be entrusted with a $5 Billion annual budget of the City of Houston.  These disturbing revelations suggest that Turner has sold out his constituents. If he has not sold them out, he has clearly feathered his own nest while in public office.”

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