Hall demands retraction, threatens legal action over phony radio smear campaign

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Ben Hall has been a warrior against the dangerous HERO bathroom ordinance. His vow to keep taxes low and end the dirty pay to play politics at Houston City Hall has made him a lot of powerful enemies.

But that doesn’t excuse a radio station from running false and defamatory advertising from a clearly phony source.

Radio One has been running a knowingly false radio ad against Hall from a group called Historians for Truth. It suggests Ben Hall, an African-American lawyer who runs the historic KCOH radio station, is tied to the confederacy of all things.  

“The commercial is shamefully false,” says Hall, “but what is really troubling is that there are people out there who could get a radio station like Radio One to run an ad for a phony group that doesn’t legally exist, with a phony phone number, requested by a person using an alias name used by the fictional movie character Iron Man, and get the false ad aired in Houston, Texas.  Such conduct is amateurish at best!” 

The group Historians for Truth is not registered as a political action committee. The phone number actually belongs to an elderly white couple who knew nothing about the ad.

“We are preparing legal action, and demand this advertising be stopped immediately,” says Hall. “Radio One, owners of the city’s most popular inner city radio station, owes listeners a full explanation. And Houstonians should take notice.”

Vote No on City Proposition 1, and Vote Yes for Ben Hall for Mayor!

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