Melanie Flowers – Where is my car??

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A Houston credit union is calling for an investigation into a candidate for Family District Court Judge.

The election eve controversy swirls around attorney Melanie Flowers, running for Judge in the 257th Family District Court in Harris County.

Flowers was allowed to hold on to an expensive Land Rover as collateral to make sure she got her pricey legal fees paid from a divorce case in Judge James Lombardino’s court.

Here’s the problem. She got busted driving the car around.

The Baylor College of Medicine Federal Credit Union financed the car and fought hard to get the vehicle back – keeping it out of Flowers’ hands. After the court denied their request to give the car back to the lienholder, the credit union was able to track the car with GPS and uncovered Melanie Flowers was using the Land Rover for her own personal use. She drove it 1200 miles in just one month!

The credit union even tailed Flowers and got some damaging pictures of Flowers in the luxury SUV trying to hide her face from the investigator.

“If she didn’t do anything wrong then why is she covering her face?” said Wayne Dolcefino, President of Dolcefino Consulting, “Voters need to send a message next Tuesday that this conduct is unacceptable.”

Flowers claimed she only drove the car to try and find someone to buy it, but the pictures and the GPS prove otherwise. Flowers filed a motion to get out of the case the same day the credit union filed a motion in court to show the Judge the pictures.

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