What we have been saying

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The Houston Chronicle has been no fan of our campaign to bring morals and common sense back to Houston City Hall.

We know why.

Ben Hall has been vocal against the bathroom ordinance from the start. The Chronicle has endorsed Sylvester Turner, a career politician who has gotten rich in office and has vowed to raise taxes.

But the Chron is right about one thing. A tweet from its own reporter Rebecca Elliot says it all. “If @SylvesterTurner makes the runoff, King or Costello would likely be his easiest opponent.”

That is exactly what we have been saying. The only real conservative in this race is Ben Hall. Bill King is a waffling moderate and supporter of sanctuary cities. Stephen Costello is to blame for that ridiculous drainage tax.

With nearly half of Houston voters still undecided about who they will support, it is time for conservative voters to start thinking strategically about who they want to represent them for the next two years.

Bill King and Steve Costello have ZERO support outside the suburbs.

Join a coalition of fiscal conservatives and family value voters across Houston that only Ben Hall can create.

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