Friends in high places

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You ever wonder why top Texas State Officials aren’t joining the fight against Green Group, the garbage company that wants to build giant towers of trash where they are not wanted?

Governor Greg Abbott? Silence.

Speaker of the Texas House Joe Straus? Silence.

All while taxpayers in Caldwell County and Waller County spend hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars fighting this unwanted invasion, that will kill economic development, lower home values, and threaten the…


Maybe the Texas Ethics Commission knows the reason.

Green Group has friends in high places.

Since January 2011, Green Group Holdings has spent up to $3.6 million dollars on lobbyists. Most are former officials of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, the agency that has to approve their permits. Some of the people who have been on the Green Group payroll clearly have friends in high places.

Patricia Shipton is the Chief of Staff for Joe Strauss. His number two. Before that she was a lobbyist for Green Group Holdings. Texas Ethics Commission records show she may have been paid up to $400,000 in three years from two Green Group related entities.

When Governor Greg Abbott was inaugurated he named Randy Erben as his Legislative Director. Erben had been general counsel for Texans for Rick Perry, the former Governor’s primary political committee.

What else had Erben done?

Erben was a registered lobbyist. For Green Group Holdings. Paid up to $25,000 to influence Texas government officials for the garbage guys. The Erben-Yarborough law firm had even deeper ties to Green Group. Two other firm lobbyists show up on Green Group Holdings payroll between 2012 and 2013.

It is nice to have friends in high places. It is also nice to share that news with the public on

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