Hall issues challenge on ‘Hero’

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Houston Mayoral Candidate Ben Hall has issued a challenge Friday afternoon to all his opponents.

Take a public stand on the HERO ordinance. Today.

“I am the only candidate in this race that has been steadfast in fighting against the efforts of this current mayor and administration to suppress the voting rights of the citizens to be heard on this issue. I am the only candidate in this race who opposed this ordinance.”

Hall says it is a disgrace that so many candidates have refused to take a stand on the ordinance or be willing to fight for Houstonian’s right to vote. As a former Houston City Attorney Hall says he is disgusted city lawyers have been used to wage political warfare for the Mayor’s lifestyle agenda.

“If I am elected Mayor I will always honor the right of voters to petition City Hall. City hall has shamed us all. That will not be tolerated under my watch.”

Houstonians know exactly where I stand. All Mayoral Candidates owe the voters the truth today.

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