Hall blasts King’s sudden courage

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Ben Hall stood firm with Houston’s voters from the beginning.

As former Houston City Attorney, Ben knew Houston Mayor Annise Parker broke the law when she denied over 54,000 Houstonians the right to vote on HERO.

Ben didn’t make a political calculation. He followed the law and his faith.

Then there is Bill King, who sat on his hands and said nothing.

He did not voice opposition to the HERO ordinance nor the blatant suppression of voter rights. He did not protest when pastors’ sermons were subpoenaed as part of a campaign to silence critics.

He said nothing while Houstonians had to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars just for their day in court.

But now that the Texas Supreme Court has spoken, Bill King has suddenly found his courage. King now says the HERO ordinance was never needed and that voters should have the right to vote.

Where were you Mr. King when it mattered?

Typical politician! Aren’t you tired of career politicians?

Whatever our position on the HERO ordinance, we should all fight for the right to vote.

Ben Hall took a stand, regardless of the consequences, from the very beginning.

That’s the kind of true leadership Ben Hall will bring to Houston City Hall.

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