“HERO” pastors endorse Hall for mayor

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Several of the religious leaders who led the right to repeal the “ HERO” ordinance have announced their endorsement of Ben Hall for mayor.

The endorsement cites Hall’s steadfast commitment to the right to vote for all Houstonians and principled opposition to the ordinance on grounds of public safety.

Steve Riggle, Pastor of the mega Grace Community Church, stated, “Ben Hall is the only choice to support in this year’s mayor’s race. He stood with us bravely when no other mayoral candidate would. He has shown courage under fire and is the type of faith-based leader this city needs in the mayor’s office.”

Rev. Dr. F. N. Williams, Sr., one of the named plaintiffs in the HERO suit, said his endorsement of Hall for mayor “is based on more than two decades of watching this man.”

“He has been uncompromising in his convictions and is resolute in letting others know where he stands,” says the respected Acres Homes pastor. “Hall is bold, courageous, intelligent and a born leader.”

Williams is a well-respected leader who marched with the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and pastors the historic Antioch Missionary Baptist Church located in Acres Homes.

Learning of the endorsement, Hall wrote, “This is a Gideon Moment in my life. The endorsement of these great champions of faith renew in me confidence that the Almighty is pleased with our stance on issues. I will always strive to be humble when accepting the support of such giants of faith.”

Some of the endorsing leaders are: Reverend Dr. F.N. Williams, Sr., Pastor Steve Riggle, Dr. Hernan Castano, Dr. Wendy Castano, Bishop Prince E. Bryant, Bishop Delegrantis, Reverend Elmo Johnson, Reverend Charles Ingram, Reverend Ed Small, Bishop Mark Smith, Pastor Luis Larrinaga, Pastor Joel Montes, Reverend Carl Matthews, Pastor Juan Carlos Jimenez, Pastor Cris Tetzintla, Pastor Jorge Gamboa and Pastor David Garcia.

The Hall campaign invites all 54,000 HERO petitioners to join the growing Hall campaign at www.benhallforhouston.com, through e-mail at info@hallforhouston.com, or via Ben’s facebook page or twitter @benhall2015.

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