Helping a hero play hide and seek

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Facing possible criminal indictment for hiding financial records, the controversial veteran’s charity Helping a Hero will go to court to stop Dolcefino Consulting from looking at how they spent millions of dollars in donations.

The Harris County District Attorney had given Helping a Hero a deadline of today to turn over the financial records or face a grand jury. Now the charities lawyer has filed a motion to protect the documents, claiming the records could be used by a disabled veteran suing the charity.

Dolcefino Consulting first exposed questionable spending by the charity founder Meredith Iler in 2013 after the District Attorney told the charity to comply with the state charity law.

Several veterans and their families have complained the charity misused donations and broke promises to provide adapted homes. At least one veteran has walked away from a Helping a Hero home.

“Helping a Hero should be happy to show all their financial records to everyone, not just to their donors, but to the men and women who lost arms and legs and suffered horrible consequences defending our country,” says Wayne Dolcefino, President of Dolcefino Consulting. The charity used these war heroes to collect donations and now tries to hide from them when they ask questions. Shame on them.”

The protective order hearing is set for October 2nd in Judge Michael Landrum’s 113th District Court.


READ: Motion for Protective Order

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