Landfill losers

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Maybe it is time to take a big fat hint and pack your bags for the trip home.

The Georgia company wanting to put a 15-story garbage dump on Highway 6 has lost yet another battle with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.

For four and a half years, Green Group has spent millions of dollars holding on to real estate just North of Hempstead, on legal fees, and on well-connected lobbyists.

Their landfill application was rejected a few months back because it was riddled with problems, and there was evidence that key test results were destroyed.

Plan B was an attempt to find a back door way in. Green Group had received the TCEQ permission to operate a transfer station on the property, and tried to convince the TCEQ that meant they could use a grandfather clause to send in a whole new application for a landfill.

You don’t have to be a garbage peddler to know that a transfer station is pretty useless if you don’t have a landfill loaded with garbage.

Word out of Austin… the TCEQ has said nice try, but no.

So, Green Group has just a couple of options.

Sue the TCEQ in Austin, while they are trying to put another landfill in Caldwell County. Good luck on that.

Or try and sue Waller County to challenge the ordinance that prohibits a landfill on this beautiful stretch of Highway 6.

Since a Waller County jury already spanked former county officials for holding secret meetings with Green Group, filing a suit in Waller County is probably not such a great idea either.

So here’s a piece of free advice. Go home. From what we can tell, you really aren’t welcome in Waller County.

In case you didn’t notice.

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