Breaking news in the Spring Branch ISD sextortion case

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Members of the Harris County Task Force on Internet Crimes Against Children executed a search warrant before school this morning on Jeffrey Munoz. He is the nineteen year old Memorial High School senior under investigation for soliciting sex and blackmailing a 14 year old girl to send him lewd pictures.

The raid occurred around 6 am this morning, at a complex at 9017 Gaylord in Hedwig Village.

The Spring Branch ISD story is now making headlines nationwide because of the rare decision by parents to go public with their horror story and mistreatment by school officials.

Spring Branch Independent School District Superintendent Duncan Klussman has refused to apologize to the Maley family after SBISD falsely accused the parents of not cooperating with the investigation. E-mails proving SBISD had the text messages since last November were produced by the family at a Wednesday news conference.

“The Superintendent has to send out a message to parents apologizing and detailing other threats to the female school kids at SBISD he has kept secret,” says Wayne Dolcefino, President of Dolcefino Consulting. “All these parents wanted was for the school principal to punish this man. We tried for months to get them to do the right thing. They just wouldn’t.”

Memorial High School Principal Lisa Weir refused to punish Munoz after the incident. Klussman ignored pleas for months to enact a zero tolerance program for the growing problems SBISD and other school districts have.

SBISD is fighting release of documents detailing a photo shopping blackmail plot using PTA emails and details of a drop-box account which contained compromising photos of an unknown number of Memorial High School girls.

Dolcefino Consulting has been investigating the school district for the Maley family since March.

“We welcome the news that a search warrant has been executed and we thank the District Attorney’s office for taking this issue seriously, says Dolcefino.“ Of course, the incident happened in October. Seven Months Ago. Who knows what is left in that phone. That is why Spring Branch ISD ought to make safety of students a top priority number one, not their reputation.”

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