Bill King sold taxpayers a bill of goods

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Houstonians trusted Bill King on the 2012 HISD Bond Campaign.

They got ripped off.

Bill King was Chairman of the now tarnished 2012 election. He brags about it on his campaign website.

Bill King told taxpayers we could trust HISD to spend a whopping $2 billion dollars. E-mails prove he helped engineer the campaign to erase the perception HISD could not be trusted with that much taxpayer money.

Bill King kept a secret. He was actually on HISD’s payroll the whole time.

An HISD audit now says taxpayers got shafted by HISD lies.

Bill King sold you a bill of goods. Do we really trust a guy with his record?

King bankrupted a savings and loan and customers and taxpayers got shafted.

King was a tax collector who got rich while he took away working people’s homes. He got a yacht and penthouse. They lost everything.

Now he’s helped shaft taxpayers again. And he’s financing his campaign with the same school contractor money he helped get for HISD.

And that is a fiscal conservative? Ben Hall warned Houstonians to reject this

HISD boondoggle?

Who do you want watching your money at Houston City Hall!

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