Do the math Uptown!

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Logic rarely works in government, especially when greed is involved.

 Let’s give it a try anyway, shall we?                                                 

 The Texas State Comptroller says sales tax collection for the City of Houston is the lowest it has been in more than 5 years. It has dropped four months in a row.

ONE out of every TEN dollars in sales tax revenue for the ENTIRE City of Houston comes from just ONE neighborhood.


Uptown wants to spend more than 100 million dollars to tear up Post Oak Blvd for dedicated bus lanes. Obviously, proof the lanes aren’t needed doesn’t seem to sway them, so here comes the logic part.

Shoppers hate traffic delays, and anyone who owned a business on Main Street can tell you what rail construction did down there?

Houston simply cannot afford sales along Post Oak Blvd to suffer through street construction when sales tax revenue is already down.

The Uptown Board should put aside the millions some of them will make on this bus deal for the good of the City. If they don’t, the next Mayor should do what Mayor Parker has refused to do. 


We know, logic rarely works in government, especially when greed is involved.

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