Enough is enough

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We have reached a new low.

It is no secret that government contractors try to influence the election of public officials, but what is happening in the ESD #11 election has simply crossed the line. It is time for taxpayers to send a very, very, clear message.

It is bad enough that in recent days Cypress Creek EMS has tried to scare senior citizens that the ESD #11 election threatens quality 911 service. Embarrassing, actually! None of the people running for the job as safety commissioner watchdogging the CCEMS contract has called for a change in contractors.

The IRS makes it clear that “501c3 charities like CCEMS are ABSOLUTELY prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidates for elective public office.”

They have been warned before. The FBI and IRS are already investigating the place.

Now we know the powers at Cypress Creek either can’t read or simply don’t care what federal law says.

On April 26, CCEMS Special Operations Chief Wren Nealy forwarded an e-mail to all the employees of the ambulance service with the headline LOCAL ELECTIONS MATTER…OUR CYPRESS CREEK EMS IS IN JEOPARDY!

The e-mail states “the unparalled emergency medicine CCEMS provides our community along with its leadership are being undermined by the opposing candidates” It recommends candidates even. If that isn’t a violation of federal law, it is hard to imagine what is!

What is even more disgusting is that the e-mail talks about the recent floods and the work of first responders to save people in nursing homes and assisted living centers.

First, we should tip our hats to every first responder who braved their own safety to help others, but to use it as some political wedge suggesting some ESD candidates would do something different is shameless.

Why the desperation?

Is it because Robert Berleth, Kevin Brost and Matt Folsom are campaigning to force CCEMS to cough up financial records justifying all the millions they get in tax money? Isn’t that what every taxpayer wants?

Maybe Wren Nealy has other worries. His wife owns a company called Koronis Revenue Solutions, that for the last four years has been the company that gets a cut out all of the medical bills CCEMS sends. What a coincidence?

Koronis Revenue Solutions has already been paid millions. Now that’s a revenue solution for the Nealy family.

A former medical billing company for CCEMS has filed a lawsuit alleging the deal was “rigged” to make sure Wren’s wife’s company won.

Secretary of State records also show Koronis Revenue Solutions only became a company a few weeks before they got the lucrative CCEMS contract.

Wouldn’t you love to start a company and get such a windfall so quickly?

Taxpayers are smarter than CCEMS gives them credit for.

The FBI and IRS don’t investigate and issue grand jury subpoenas for fun.

There are reasons CCEMS is the first charity in a long time to be charged with a crime by the Harris County District Attorney for refusing to disclose charity records.

CCEMS won’t even tell taxpayers who is on their payroll?

Now we have caught CCEMS red handed!

Enough is Enough.


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