Hall blasts Turner pledge to raise taxes

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Sylvester Turner announced he wants to raise the City of Houston revenue cap–That’s how career politicians hide their requests for tax increases in politician speech.

“Turner will raise taxes on Houston families,” says Houston mayoral candidate Ben Hall. “Houstonians are paying enough. They demand City Hall be more efficient and accountable.”

Turner has outlined his plan to raise taxes to hire more police. But the community should look at what he did not say and why!

  • Ben Hall wants a civilian review board, with subpoena powers, to add transparency to probable police disciplinary violations. Turner is silent.
  • Ben Hall wants video recordings of police confrontations reviewed within 24 hours by an independent panel. Turner is silent.
  • Ben Hall wants to allow the public to be able to file sworn complaints at public libraries and other city buildings if they feel intimidated by the police. Turner is silent.
  • Ben Hall will post sustained excessive force complaints against police online by badge number. Turner is silent.
  • Ben Hall will require drug and alcohol testing of every officer who uses deadly force that causes death or serious bodily injury to assure the public no improper influences contributed to the use of such force. Turner is silent.

There is a reason for the silence!

“Sylvester Turner is a career politician who has long been financed by the Houston Police Union,” says Hall. “Special interests have ruled Houston long enough.”

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