Hall demands an apology

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Houston Mayoral Candidate Ben Hall challenged Republican Party Chairman Paul Simpson to face the media and apologize for a blatantly false attack about Ben and the HERO ordinance.

The ad, paid for by the Republican Party is a lie. Every Republican in Houston should be outraged.

At an afternoon news conference, Hall acknowledged the attack is designed to stop his growing momentum, especially among Republican women.

“I am putting together a coalition of faith voters, fiscal conservatives and men and women who want this city to stop the attack on the church. A coalition that wants to stop the career politicians who ignore our streets and safety. A coalition of voters who simply want the Mayor to tell them the truth,” says Hall.

Ben Hall is the ONLY candidate, Democrat or Republican, who has been opposed to the HERO ordinance from the very beginning, long before the campaign began for Houston Mayor, long before the court put it on the November ballot.

Ben Hall has been crystal clear. He is opposed to discrimination, but he believes the proposed Houston ordinance is intentionally dangerous.

“Men are not going to be allowed in restrooms and showers with our wives and daughters in Houston, Period,” says Hall.

“I challenge Mr. Simpson to face me and let us talk about HERO in front of the TV cameras. Let’s talk about Bill “Waffle” King, who told a forum it was none of their damn business how he would vote on the HERO ordinance. Let us talk about the other Republican Steve Costello who favors the bathroom ordinance and raised our taxes.”

Stop hiding.

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