Hall promises to block plan to tear up Post Oak

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Houston Mayoral Candidate Ben Hall pledged today to stop a plan to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to tear up Post Oak Blvd for a flawed bus project.

And Hall went farther, promising to conduct a review of all neighborhood reinvestment zones to stop abuse of taxpayer dollars.

“Like all Houstonians I have watched in amazement as a city in financial distress agrees to spend a billion dollars to improve just one park, and push to spend 200 million dollars more to tear up a street that doesn’t need tearing up, all while ignoring streets and parks in Sunnyside and Acres Homes and across Houston that desperately need attention” says Hall.

Property Owners on Post Oak are lining up against the plan to tear up Post Oak. Hall is also worried the project will destroy retail stores on the street which provide significant sales tax revenue to the City.

Hall calls for a total review of Neighborhood Tax Reinvestment Zones that are now treating tax money as a private piggy bank.

“We face real financial problems in this city, and we need to prioritize how and where we spend our money. I want to find ways to protect our people and fix our streets. We created these reinvestment zones to help troubled neighborhoods that needed investment, not to create huge bank accounts for a few developers.”

The Uptown bus project has put a spotlight on the unelected neighborhood bosses who control a lot of Houston’s finances.

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