Halls call for immediate audit of housing “slush fund”

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Seventy million dollars of your tax money was put aside to create affordable housing, part of a political deal that allows a few rich neighborhood power brokers to stash hundreds of millions of tax dollars while the city is in a fiscal mess.

Now we are learning this TIRZ housing fund has never been audited by the mayor. Millions have been spent on empty lots that are still empty six years later. The housing department didn’t even know where much of the money was spent. Millions more were spent on projects that even Washington DC wouldn’t pay for because of mismanagement.

“This slush fund should be audited immediately. It is an outrage to waste millions of dollars that could have been used to create affordable housing for Houstonians,” says Hall.

TIRZ fund 2409 has amassed more than $70 million since 2009, just 30% of all the money generated by the tax windfall certain neighborhoods have been given.

“The career politicians in this mayor’s race want to raise your taxes. I don’t. It is time to expose the politically protected piggy banks,” says Hall.

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