I see dead people

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Those are the famous words from the movie “The Sixth Sense.”

Now Dolcefino Consulting sees dead people too…and what we see is embarrassing for a candidate in the upcoming Pasadena Mayor’s election.

John Moon boasts several hundred names of supporters on his campaign website. It looks impressive, if it were true.

“After learning some of the people on the list who don’t even support the guy had actually complained to Moon, Dolcefino Consulting took a closer look,” says Wayne Dolcefino, President of Dolcefino Consulting. “Researching the list of supporters with unique surnames, we easily identified 7 people were likely dead.”

Moon had a bunch of excuses when we busted his campaign, including “clerical errors,” and the candidate told us it was possible some of the folks had recently died since the campaign supposedly began canvassing for support way back in July 2015.

But what about Mr. Carl Couchman? His name is on the list and Couchman died in 2014.

Moon refused to provide us a contact list for all the hundreds of other people he put on the website, but since we chatted, he’s taken the names of the dead folks off.

Guess he saw dead people too?

While he’s searching, he might want to take off the folks he knows don’t support him, and the names that appear more than once.

Early voting for Pasadena’s Mayoral Election begins in one month.

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