Mayor Parker’s final insult

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uptownbusTomorrow morning, Mayor Parker will preside over the normal Wednesday City Council Meeting.

If she gets her way, Houston taxpayers will be fleeced, authorizing hundreds of millions of dollars to spend in neighborhoods that simply don’t need the money.

On the list is a proposal to approve the yearly contract with the Uptown TIRZ, including a quarter of a billion dollar improvement plan. That is city hall jargon for giving the green light to spending $200 million on a bus project that is not needed, and will destroy the retail on Post Oak that provides the City a huge tax benefit.

Most of the property owners on Post Oak are opposed. The Mayor doesn’t seem to care.

Businessman making millions on this deal are members of the un-elected board doing the deal.

The Mayor doesn’t seem to care.

The Texas Attorney General is about to rule whether it is even legal for Metro to do a bus project on Uptown because of that little vote we took to approve rail on Uptown.

The Mayor doesn’t seem to care.

“The right thing to do is to delay this vote until after the election, so the future council members and Mayor can make these vital spending decisions,” says Jim Scarborough of the Uptown Business and Property Owners Association.

Maybe it is time to start asking real questions about why all these politicians are in such a rush to help their friends and campaign supporters.

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