METRO chooses secrecy over the public right to know

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uptownbusHere is a clue about government!

When politicians know something is a bad deal for taxpayers they try to avoid talking about it.

That is what METRO is now doing about the expensive Post Oak Bus Boondoggle planned for Uptown.

METRO is formally refusing to say how much of YOUR money they have spent on the Post Oak Bus project.


Dolcefino Consulting asked the simple question weeks ago, and now METRO’s expensive outside lawyers are telling them to keep the information secret because METRO is getting sued by Uptown property owners.

METRO is facing growing questions about whether they can even legally participate in the plan to tear up Post Oak for two exclusive bus lanes. Even some METRO Board Members are wondering out loud if the money train to consultants should be shut down until the Texas Attorney General rules.

Public reports say METRO has squandered $40 million on the failed plan to put rail down Post Oak. Now METRO won’t say just how much more have they have spent on the controversial bus project.

“It is sad METRO has chosen secrecy,” says Dolcefino Consulting President Wayne Dolcefino. “The public has a fundamental right to know how their money is spent. Period. If the Metro lawyers think that hurts their case in court that should tell taxpayers a lot. METRO should also reveal just how much they are paying every hour for this enlightened advice.”

METRO is supposed to release ridership numbers for the proposed Post Oak Bus project this week. Dolcefino Consulting has already proven Uptown was exaggerating ridership numbers when they claimed 14,000 people would be using the bus lanes by 2018.

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